Revolutionary War Pension File #W2078. 18 June 1833: Andrew DOUGHERTY, aged 68 and a resident of Allegheny Township, Armstrong County, appeared before the Court in Kittanning to apply for pension. Being duly sworn, DOUGHERTY declares that he enlisted in the militia under Captain CRAIG in late April 1780, at Ligonier Valley, Pennsylvania. Captain CRAIG told him he was raising a Company to guard the frontiers and would call upon him when ready. That May, “I think on the 10th following, my father and brothers were taking the horses to pasture when I heard them shouting and looking round I saw a number of Indians. I took my sister (who was about 2 years old) in my arms and ran to the woods. The Indians followed me and shot me through the right arm when running. The Indians then caught me and brought me back to the house where they had my father and brothers Charles and Robert prisoners. There were in all 24 Indians.” The five of them were taken, the mother being away from home, towards the Conemaugh River. “They killed my younger brother Robert and my sister.” They took Andrew, Charles and their father over Blacklick and to French Creek on the River Allegheny and eventually were given to the British. They were released at Montreal on 14 August 1782 and started for Ligonier Valley, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, making it there on 14 October 1782. Andrew DAUGHERTY immediately enlisted again in a militia under Captain George AG–? and was stationed at Fort Ligonier. Soldier was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, lived in Westmoreland County, and moved to Armstrong County, where he still resides.

Armstrong County Courthouse, 5 January 1850. Sarah DOUGHERTY, aged 71 years, resident of Wayne Township, Armstrong County, was sworn and declared that she is the widow of Andrew DOUGHERTY, deceased, late of Wayne Township, who was a soldier in the Revolution and who drew a pension and who died 20 March 1845. Her maiden name was Sarah WOLF. She was married to Andrew DOUGHERTY August 1795 by Justice of the Peace James McDONALD in Ligonier Valley. A family record is attached showing the birthdate of the first child. The widow has not remarried. Sworn before Robert WOODWARD.

DAVIS, Ebenezer

DAVIS, Ebenezer. 1753 – 1818. Buried in Cowansville Cemetery in East Franklin Township. (Source: Cemetery Record, Veterans)


Davis, John. Revolutionary War Pension S22718.
Residence after the war: Kittanning Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
Born: Franklin County, Pennsylvania, 1763
Family mentioned in the pension files:
Spouse: Mary M. Davis
Father: Nicholas Davis
Brother: Henry Davis
Brother: David Davis
Son: Samuel Davis

17 September 1832, John Davis appeared before the Court in Kittanning to testify to his military service.
John Davis of Kittanning Township, Armstrong County, aged 69. Volunteered for service and joined Captain Nehemiah Stokely in April of 1778 at Marchand’s Fort, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, on Sewickly Creek. Spring of 1780, was at Waldhauer’s Fort on the waters of Brush Creek and “we were attacked by Indians out of that fort in which two Indians were killed and two of our men, Peter Williams Senior and Peter Williams Junior (both belonging to the same company I did) were killed and a girl of the name of Catherine Williams was taken prisoner and has never returned to my knowledge.” The soldier returned to his father’s house for winter. “18th or 19th of March 1781 my father’s house was attacked by Indians and he (Nicholas Davis) and brother David Davis was killed, I and my brother Henry Davis were taken prisoners.” They were taken to the mouth of French Creek and the Allegheny River, then to an Indian town on Buffalo Creek and finally to Fort Niagara where the Indians gave them to the British. In the late fall of 1781, they were sent to Prisoners Island on Lake Ontario. They were sent to Montreal in the spring of 1782. In the late summer of that year, they were sent to Lake Champlain to a place called Saratoga, which was in ruins. John Davis was discharged at Saratoga along with Lewis Williams, Henry Davis, and two brothers named Franklin who took their course to the Wyoming (Pennsylvania) country. “Lewis Williams, Henry Davis and myself” went to Westmoreland County. Williams then went to what is now Washington County, Pennsylvania.
Signed John Davis (his mark)

John Davis is listed in the 1840 census as a Revolutionary and military pensioner in Kittanning Township, Armstrong County. He is living with Jacob Davis. There is a Henry Davis listed as an 1840 pensioner living in Plumcreek Township, but as of this writing I don’t know if it’s John’s brother Henry.

Update on Henry Davis: He is listed as a pensioner from Armstrong County, with both a Gratuity and an Annuity for 40 dollars, granted to him on 3 April 1837 for service in the Indian War. Source: Pennsylvania General Assembly, House of Representatives, Volume 48, part 2, page 226. Date:1838. From the same source, Daniel Davis of Armstrong County was granted a pension on 27 March 1837, for his service in the Indian War.

Dick, Gary See Richard Gary


Revolutionary War Pension File #W285. Samuel and Elizabeth DICKASON.
Samuel DICKASON enlisted about 25 December 1777, at Duck Creek Hundred, Kent County, Delaware. He served until April 1780, in Captain COLE’s Company, Colonel McLANE’s Regiment. He was a teamster. In 1780, he served in Captain ROSS’s Pennsylvania Company, enlisting at George’s Creek, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. He was a resident of Buffalo Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, in 1832, where he received a pension. He was then aged 80 years. He moved to Georgetown, Ohio, where he lived from 1836 to 1838. Some of his children were living there at that time. He returned to Armstrong County where he died 16 April 1846, in Buffalo Township.

He married Elizabeth CLUGSTAN on 1 November 1814, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth applied for a pension in Armstrong County, where she resided, on 14 June 1853. She was then aged 89 years and the pension was granted.

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