May 1 – Genealogy Committee Research Meeting

The Genealogy Committee of the Armstrong County Historical Museum
and Genealogy Society will have their monthly meeting on Sunday,
May 1, 2011 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM in the Mildred Lankerd Thomas
Genealogy Library – 300 North McKean Street, Kittanning, PA.
This will be a research meeting.

Did you have a special find or did you solve a question about
a lost relative or loved one? We can take some time during our
meeting to share these with you.

Also, we are in need of speakers for our Genealogy meetings. We
have information on a person who does Robert E. Lee and another
who does General Forbes. Please bring your ideas for programs
for this season.

See you on the 1st of May. Have a Blessed Easter.


Preparing for the April 3 meeting

Large screen TV and presenter at April 2011 meeting.

Looking at Kittanning Online (photo by Kathy Lambing Marcinek)

About Chris

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