Civil War Units

103rd Pennsylvania Volunteers

Company A — Clarion County
Company B — Armstrong, Butler, Clarion and Venango
Company C — Allegheny County
Company D — Armstrong County
Company E — Armstrong County
Company F — Allegheny and Clarion Counties
Company G — Indiana County
Company H — Clarion County
Company I — Allegheny and Butler Counties
Company K — Huntingdon County

Source[s]: Christopher Anthony

78th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

5 Responses to Civil War Units

  1. John Brant says:

    Dear Mr. Dvorak;

    Thanks for your post on the 103rd PA VOL INF Regt and on CPT Joseph Rodgers. I recently became interested in the Plymouth Pilgrims because of several companies which were raised in Bedford County, PA for the 101st PA VOL INF Regt. The 101st and 103rd were Twin Regiments and shared the same history, including captivity at Andersonsville and Florence.

    You wouldn’t happen to know if the 103rd Regimental Association Badge still exists. I assume it was sold to each veteran. My great, great grandfather was in the 19th US INF Regt and they also had a badge, but I have not been able to find any discussion of Regimental Badges online.



  2. David B. Dvorak says:

    Looking for articles , pictures of Capt.Joseph Rodgers of the 103rd Regiment,Company B, or his sons,daughters for genealogy research. He was from Armstrong County and is buried at Bradys Bend.

    • Andrea L. Atkinson says:

      Captain Joseph Rodgers was “I believe” my great great grandfather. I have some of the geneology that a relation did for the Rodgers Family Tree and there’s information about him in a book about the 103rd Pennsylvania Volunteers that I did have downloaded to my computer but have since lost. I find the book is still available for download just google the information. He was responsible for recruiting a lot of soldiers in the Sugarcreek area. I believe he only served about six months and was then honorably discharged…not sure of the reason. I can email you what I have if you’re interested. Andrea

  3. Pingback: Civil War – 103rd Pennsylvania Volunteers | Armstrong County Genealogy Club

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