MAXWELL, Adam. S5064, PA Line. Maxwell was born in 1752 in Cumberland County, PA. and he lived in Westmoreland County, PA. when he enlisted. He lived there after the Revolutionary War then moved to Armstrong County, PA. where he applied for pension on 19 Sept. 1832. Maxwell’s widow Elizabeth Maxwell received final payment on 8 May 1838 and was paid to 17 May 1837, the day Adam Maxwell died. (Source: “Revolutionary War Pension Files”)
McCONELL, William
William McConell from Plumcreek Township, died on 28 Sept 1834 at the age of 81. The deceased was a Revolutionary War Soldier.
Source: Newspaper obituary, 1 October 1834.
William McCONNELL. Revolutionary Pension file. William McCONNELL, aged 63, of Redbank Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, made oath on 30 September 1818 to Judge Robert ORR. He stated he enlisted 14 November 1775 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, serving one year under Anthony WAYNE. They marched to Saratoga, New York, where McCONNELL was left due to ill health. There he enlisted again in the First Regiment of New York, serving 6 years and 6 months. He appeared before the Court in Kittanning again on 18 September 1820. He was allowed pension on the 1818 claim. His wife was named Martha.
19 December 1827. Re William McCONNELL. Washington Bounty Land Office to Honorable Robert ORR. They find Land Warrant #7506 issued to Sam BROWNE, assignee for William McCONNELL, 11 November 1791. Signed: Robert TAYLOR
Pension Roll of 1835, The Mid-Atlantic States. Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
McCONNELL, William. Private.
Annual allowance: $96.00
Sums Received: $1433.29
Description of Service: New York Continental Line
Placed on Pension Rolls: 8 May 1819
Commencement of Pensio: 30 September 1818
Age: 79
McCOY, Daniel
McCOY, Mr. (possibly Daniel). His wife’s name was Deborah and she died on 22 Oct. 1829. (Source: “Early Deaths & Marriages” compiled by C. Mateer.)
Revolutionary War Pension File #S40985. Daniel McCOY.
Daniel McCOY was a private in Colonel Miles Pennsylvania Regiment and was inscribed on the Roll of Pennsylvania at the rate of eight (8) dollars per month, to commence 8 June 1818, after he appeared before the Court in Kittanning to apply for a pension on that same date. On 27 June 1820, Daniel McCOY, aged 67, appeared before the Court in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, to apply for a pension under an Act of Congress of 18 March 1818, and an Act of Congress of 1 May 1820. He was said to then be a resident of that county. He states his wife Deborah is aged 65.
Daniel McCOY was allowed pension on his 1818 application, made while a resident of Armstrong County, and he was sent the arrears. He was a weaver by trade but unable to work. Daniel and Deborah McCOY were living in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, in 1820, and Daniel died 30 January 1821. It says he died ‘place unknown’ on one page but there is a letter written on 10 April 1851, from Alexander Taylor of Pittsburgh, on behalf of the heirs who claim he died in Armstrong County about 1828. A Certificate of Pension issued 10 July 1820 for Daniel McCOY was sent to James M. Kelly, Agent, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
As the heirs made inquiry to the pension 30 years after Daniel’s death, it is possible they are mistaken about where he died, although he could have returned to Armstrong County and died while there. More research is needed. Indiana County Historical Society could be checked to see if he is on their list of Soldier Burials. It appears to me that he did die in 1821, not 1828. Connie Mateer’s excellent source has Deborah dying in Armstrong County in 1829, so it is a real possibility they didn’t stay in Indiana County and returned here. Does anyone know for certain?
McDONALD, Joseph
McDONALD, Joseph. 1760 – 1844. Resided in Franklin Township. Served at the end of the Revolution. (Source: “Early Deaths & Marriages. pg. 84.)
Revolutionary War Pension #S23791. 18 June 1833. Joseph McDonald, aged 73 years, a resident of Franklin Township, Armstrong County, appeared before the Court in Kittanning. He made the following sworn declarations: He volunteered for six months service to the United States, in March 1776 or 1777, at Pine Run, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Captain was David McKee, 1st Lieutenant James Hill. The company consisted of about 30 men and they were stationed on the Allegheny River 5 or 6 miles below where Freeport now stands. They were in two divisions guarding the frontier, one division ranging 5 miles up river and the other 5 miles down river. They were attacked by Indians at or near the mouth of Puckety Run. William Rankin & James _____ were killed, one was on his left side when shot and one was on his right. Their fort was an old house they repaired. He said he was born in Bedford County and that his father was killed when he was an infant. He was living on the waters of Beaver Run, Westmoreland County, and moved to Armstrong County in 1799.
McKEE, Andrew
McKEE, Andrew. Buried at Cowansville Union First in East Franklin Township. There is an Armstrong County applicant for an annuity from the state as a veteran of the Revolutionary War named Mary McKee. Mary M’Kee of Armstrong County was granted an Annuity and a Gratuity, both for 40 dollars, on 17 March 1835. Source: Pennsylvania General Assembly, House of Representatives, Volume 48, part 2, page 226. Date:1838. Pensioners of Armstrong County.
Revolutionary Pension File #S7189. On 6 January 1834, James McMASTER, 83 years old of Clarion Township, Armstrong County, appeared before the court in Kittanning to apply for a pension. He declared that he volunteered in 1776 as a private under Captain Nicholas BEDDINGER and Colonel Henry SLAGLE, while at the home of Henry DARRAGH near Abbotstown, York County, Pennsylvania. Some of the other privates were John MULLEN, Alexander ADAMS, Thomas ABBOT and George KUHN. McMASTER later made Ensign and in 1781 was made Lieutenant. He was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in 1750 and lived near Abbotstown, York County when called into service. He moved to Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania in 1793, and to Armstrong County in 1804 or 1806, where he was living in 1834.
Note: James McMaster’s place of burial is unknown at this time. Clarion Township, Armstrong County became part of Clarion County in 1839.
Pension Roll of 1835, The Mid-Atlantic States. Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
M’MASTER, James, Private
Annual Allowance: 20.00
Sums Received: ….
Description of Service: Pennsylvania State Troops
Placed on Pension Roll: 23 July 1834
Commencement of Pension: 4 March 1831 Age: 83
Comments: No report of payment made.
Note: He was placed on the pension rolls but never received payment so it’s possible he died shortly after making application. Does anyone have more information?
McWilliam was a resident of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. In Captain Robert Buyer’s Company, Lancaster County Associators at Amboy; afterwards with Captain William Scott at Trenton. Source: Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Volume XV. Militia, Flying Camp and Rangers from Pennsylvania, who were applicants for State annuities, giving residence at the time, with statement of service during the Revolution. Taken from the Journals of Assembly.
Note: McWilliam’s burial place is not known at this time, at least to me. K.M.
MOORE, William
William MOORE was a scout in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania during the Revolutionary and Indian Wars, and was an early settler in Plumcreek Township, Armstrong County. The article mentions that his grandson, John MOORE, had his discharge and other papers. “I do certify that William MOORE did belong to My Company and has proved to me that he is forty-five and is now honorably discharged. Given under my hand this 19th day of May 1798. James IRWINE, Captain”
William MOORE settled a mile and a quarter southwest of Whitesburg [Plumcreek Township, Armstrong County], about 1816, and died 7 December 1827.
Source: History of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania by Robert Walter Smith, 1883, ages 205-206
MURPHY, Samuel
MURPHY, Samuel. 1757 – 1851. Buried at Murphy’s Bottom in Buffalo Township. Pension claim # 22413. Samuel Murphy was born 12 May 1758 in Frederick Coounty, Virginia. The names of his parents were not given. While residing on Jacobs Creek in what was then Bedford County, he enlisted in Westmoreland County in the year 1775 in Capt. John Stevenson’s company, marched to Winchester, Virginia, to Williamsburg and then to Suffolk where he joined Col. Peter Muhlenberg’s 8th Virginia Regiment and went to Charleston, South Carolina and was there the day that “Independence” was declared, length of service one year. He enlisted in 1777 and marched in Capt. Robert Bell’s company to Fort Pitt, and there joined Col. John Gibson’s 13th Virginia regiment and was in the battle of Portsmouth, length of service three years. He enlisted in 1781 and served in Capt. Benjamin Field’s company in Gen. Clark’s (?) expedition to the Falls of the Ohio. On 13 Sept. 1781 he was wounded in the left hip and captured by the Indians, carried to Detroit and in November, 1781, was sold to the British and carried to Prisoners Island, from where he escaped on 11 Jul. 1782. He served in 1792 under Capt. Guthery six months in the “State Service”: in 1793, 6 months as lieutenant in Captain Patterson’s company against the Indians; in 1794, 6 months under Capt. Denny; and in 1795 6 months as lieutenant under Capt Buckaner (?)
Samuel Murphy was allowed pension on account of his service , on his application executed 18 Sept. 1832, then living in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.