Civil War Veterans

SCOTT, Robert K.
Major-General Robert K. Scott was the third in succession in a direct line of Scotts who served in the wars of this country. His grandfather, Robert Scott, entered the Colonial Army and served through the war of the Revolution; his father, John Scott, served in the War of 1812. Major- General Robert K. Scott was born in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, July 8th 1826. On the outbreak of the Civil War he was appointed Major, with instructions to organize the famous 68th Regiment of Ohio Volunteers. He took part in the reduction of Fort Donelson, the two days Battle at Pittsburg Landing and the siege of Corinth, and in July 1862 was promoted to the rank of Colonel. On October 3rd he was assigned to a Brigade and took part in the Battle of Hatchie River, receiving honorable mention for gallant conduct and promotion to the command of a Brigade. Was in action at Port Hudson, Raymond, Jackson and Champion Hills. He was with General Sherman on his march to the Sea and was brevetted Major-General for his conduct as an officer. In 1868 and 1870 was elected Governor of South Carolina. He died at Napoleon, Ohio, 13 August 1900.
Source: History of the Scott Family by Henry James Lee.
General Robert K. Scott, Civil War soldier and Republican Governor of South Carolina during the Reconstruction days, was born in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania and died at Napolean, Ohio on 13 August 1900.
Source: Newspaper clipping, Wilkes-Barre Times Leader

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