November 1, 2015 – Genealogy Committee Meeting

The Genealogy Committee of the Armstrong County Historical Museum and Genealogy
Society will meet on Sunday, November 1, 2015 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM in the
Mildred Lankerd Thomas Genealogy Library – 300 North McKean Street, Kittanning, PA.

This will be our last genealogy meeting for this year. As in the past, we will
have an end of the year social. Persons attending are asked to bring a snack item
to share with the others, ie. cookies, chips, drinks, dessert, etc.

We will have a short business meeting and will be selecting our officers for the
2016 season. Our program for November – Members are asked to discuss how they
found their hard to find relative, how they were found, and how long it took.
Individual research will follow to end out the 2015 season.

Remember to set your clocks back one hour on October 31st.

Hope to see you at the November meeting.


About Chris

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