November 6, 2011 – Genealogy Committee Meeting

The Genealogy Committee of the Armstrong County Historical Museum and Genealogy Society will hold their monthly meeting on Sunday, November 6, 2011 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM in the Mildred Lankerd Thomas Genealogy Library – 300 North McKean Street, Kittanning, PA.

This will be the last meeting for the year. No speaker has been scheduled and this will be a research meeting. This will also be an end of the year social. Persons attending are asked to bring a snack item to share with the others, ie., cookies, chips, drinks, dessert, etc.

We will also be selecting a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary for the Genealogy Committee for 2012.

If you have any item or ideas to share with the other genealogists, please bring them along to the meeting.

About Chris

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