October 2, 2011 – Genealogy Committee Meeting

The Genealogy Committee of the Armstrong County Historical
Museum and Genealogy Society will hold their monthly meeting
on Sunday, October 2, 2011 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM in the Mildred
Lankerd Thomas Genealogy Library – 300 North McKean Street,
Kittanning, PA.

Armstrong County Commissioner, James Scahill will present a
first person interpretation on General John Forbes. General
Forbes was a British General in the French and Indian War and
was best known for leading the Forbes Expedition that captured the French outpost at Fort Duquesne. Forbes decided on the march and declared on arrival at the “Forks of
the Ohio” that he was naming this place in honor of his mentor and Prime Minister, William Pitt, to be called

Mr. Scahill will have a uniform representing General Forbes
and also will bring items that were used at the time, such as
a gun and musket balls. He will discuss and take you on a
journey of the march of Forbes and his men and answer the
question, “Why was Forbes there?”

Individual research will follow the presentation.

About Chris

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